Friday, January 25, 2013

Last Day Reflections

What did you learn about photography that you did not know before?
1) I learned a lot about photography this semester. I didn't know that there was this much to know about it. Before I just thought you pointed a camera at something to get an image, but it wasn't. It was all about capturing a moment in time, and to put it in an image that you remember it best by. I learned the basics and the advances of photoshop and how to work a camera. Although it is becoming outdated, I no know how to develop film and make turn it into a larger photograph. 

What did you learn about yourself this semester?
2) I learned how to find something "more" in an everyday object, the alphabet project really taught me that. I also learned that if I put enough effort into something, I can make it great. This was a very fun class and the assignment were just to find a certain moment in time, and just capture it... So easy, but so hard to find the right moment to capture.

What do wish we had done that we did not.
3) I wish this was a full year class so that we could have more time to do more projects, and to learn more about photography. 

What was your struggle?
4) My struggle was trying to find an actual good thing to photograph. If I had this class during warmer weather I would've gone out more and take better photos. I just don't like to be cold, but I had to suck it up to get the assignment done. Another struggle was I had an older digital camera that didn't have any adjustable settings and I just had to work fast to get the desired photo I wanted.

What did you conquer?
5) I conquered the use of photoshop. How to alter color, brightness, and textures of photographs. It was  nice to experiment with, to see what I could do to make the photograph more than it actually was.

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